Customer Testimonials

Kness customers all tell us the same thing: our pest control products get the job done. If you’re on the hunt for the best rodent trap, read reviews below of satisfied Snap-E, Ketch-All, and Tip-Trap customers from across the United States.

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"Your Snap-E mouse traps are the best I have ever used. They are easy to set and they rarely let the mouse eat the bait without being caught. They also let you dispose of the mouse easily and cleanly. They are better than the similar competitor traps.”

- Jay Tabor

"For years, we have used Kness products, and they have always been delivered without issue. We use the Snap-E mouse traps in the grey plastic trapper tunnels with a high rate of discrete success that our customers really appreciate.”

- Bill Haynes

"We have used the Pro-Ketch traps for a long time, and they have served our customers and our specialists well.”

- Charles Dixon

"Kness has been quietly making quality pest control products in the USA for many years. Where we could buy a similar cheap product from overseas, we prefer to stay with Kness quality products.”

- Ken Gladen, Plunkett's Pest Control Inc.

"If you have tried the rest, why not use the best.”

- Pest Management Professional Customer

"Great products that I know, while I am elsewhere or even asleep, they continue to work to maintain control.”

- Jose Pagán

"The Snap-E traps are the best. Other traps I've used either have come apart, cracked or the springs get weak. Not these. Some of my Kness traps have been set for ten plus years and still catch mice. If you have out buildings with a lot of rodents, I would suggest you get a bunch of these, glue a piece of corn into the bait cup and then screw the trap down onto a piece of wood.”

- Chad Olson

"What an incredible product! 40 dead rats and counting! Your large rat traps are easy and safe to set, very sensitive to activate, and last a long time. However, the best news is they are made in America!!! Thank you Kness!”

- John Ragozzino

"If you're looking for a sure fire mouse catcher please try this. This type of trap has been around for decades and it does not disappoint.”

- Christine H. from Amazon

"I wound it ten turns only like recommended. Very sensitive. Catches the tiniest of mice uninjured and I let them go in a field. I've captured 4 of the little varmints already in no tim at all. Stuck a little peanutbutter in the catch chamber.”

- Mike from Amazon

"We discovered food packages shredded on the corners, bananas with chew marks. A mouse has invaded our kitchen! We didn't want to kill them, but catch them and release in the woods miles away. We saw this at a hardware store, tried it, and the very next morning discovered this trap holding *three* mice! They were alive and well, not finding any way out. It was very easy to open the lid to let the mice escape in the woods, without them getting on me. They are now living happy mouse lives in nature unless they became eagle snacks. Cleaning was simple with a bottle of cleaning spray (e.g. 409), a paper towel and the garden hose.”

- Daren S. Wilson

"We bought total of 3 sets (18 snap traps). We filled them with peanut butter and set them in the pantry closet in the kitchen, around the oven and down in the basement. The first day we caught 2 mouses in the kitchen by the oven and one down in the basement. The next day we caught 2 mouses in the basement. Since then we had now sign of any mouse activities. They are super easy to set - no more painful fingers after setting the old-fashion wooden victor snaps. These are easy to clean under hot running water. Fill them with creamy or lightly chunky peanut butter and use them again. These snap mouse traps are absolutely the best. I can't believe how great they work and how easy they are to set.”

- Eva Marko

"In the past I tried a bunch of different traps from depot/lowes/walmart which did not work. The mice would just eat the peanut butter right off of the traps without setting them off, and if they did set off the trap it wouldn't kill them right away. It would leave them suffering for hours before I would find them and have to finish the job. Really unpleasant. That's when I ordered these. These traps are GREAT!!! They have worked 100% of the time for me. Clean humane kills, and I have not found a single one that was cleaned and left un-tripped. My mouse problem was solved in a single weekend. These traps are also really easy to set/reset which is great. I would definitely recommend.”

- Will Kenly

"These suckers do the trick. I tried four other mouse traps, the nice kind. The gentle kind that promise animal friends and Cinderella-esque behavior when your adorable little mouse submits to the trap and kindly waits for you to let him free in a magical forest later. They don't work. I tried two-packs of four different kinds. Eight traps. What a waste of money and time. Breeding time. Don't let them breed. Buy these and put them ALL out at once. Put a couple on the stove top, a couple at your pantry door and a couple along the wall where they'd run back to their nest (they run along walls and are more likely to encounter the trap). I bought a 6-pack of these snap traps. They're easy to set, they have a very tiny hole to stuff food into (very tiny amount is important!!!) and they KILL every time.”

- Jessica N.

"This product, in fact, works extremely well!! I have a large house surrounded by woods. Combine that with the intense high temps outside and that can lead to a family of mice dweeling in my house. So hence the tip-trap. Within two weeks we caught 15 mice!! It works as promised!!”

- Jarren W. Belt

"These work with or without bait. Mice prefer staying near walls, so that's where my traps go. I've often caught mice and moles that clearly weren't after my peanut butter, they just stumbled across the trigger. I've been using mine for years. They never fail. Even when a mouse chewed through the yellow plastic (the killing bar) after another mouse got caught. A little duct tape wrap put the trap in service like new. While I have no trouble setting conventional traps, these are a pleasant breeze. I don't ever have to put fingers in front of the killing bar... a simple pinch sets the trap. And I never have to touch the dead mouse. That same little pinch releases the dead one. I use peanut butter for bait... a tiny bit deep in the cup and a light smear deep into the trigger platform to insure the mouse can't steal the bait. I've never actually cleaned mine. The inside ones stay clean. The one next to my garage door gets covered with spider webs, and leaves and other debris that blow in. Tapping the side of the trap on the floor dislodges it all. I'm still using my original traps. The only reason I've bought more is to set out more of them.”

- J. Kaplan

"I've been using this trap for several years now and it is by far the most effective of the ones I tried. I highly recommend it. With this trap I usually catch a suspect mouse within 24 hours of setting up the trap. Last week I caught three mice in three days. Came here to buy a few more traps after that!”

- Erin

"As soon as it arrived I unpacked it, took the plastic wrap off, turned the knob several times, and set it where I thought it would catch mice. That was three days ago. The first day I caught one. The second day I was amazed to have four mice in there! Five mice in two days works for me.”

- Bob McGuire

"This is the best trap ever!!!! We caught all those darn buggers (5 of them) in a short period of time. No mess. We used a poison pellet in the box that made the extraction easier for us. If you are more humane (sadly I hate mice) than it would be easy to dump them out in a better place to live.”

- Robin Rogers

"This is the best mouse trap I ever used. It works great outside in the garden. I put the peanut butter in an old syringe and use it to fill the cups in the traps without spill. Thanks again for this well elaborated and easy in use product.”

- Herwig Devrieze

"Well, where to start? I recently met this wonderful woman at a convention in Las Vegas. I briefly told them about the rodent problem I had in a home I recently bought. The didn’t hesitate to give me a few samples of their amazing product and let me tell you I will NEVER go back to those “other “ traps!! These traps were so easy to set up, I didn’t catch my fingers!! Yay!! I will tell anyone that’ll listen about this amazing product and the wonderful person who changed my life!!! Steph C., thank you so much, because of your wonderful product I can live pest free!!”

- Renee Morga

"Your Snap-E® Mousetrap is great. These are very easy to set and do a great job. Thanks for a good, dependable product!”

- Larry Brown

"Thank you for an excellent product and exceptional customer service. Your willingness to share your knowledge and expertise is much appreciated as I struggle to clear out our property of nuisance mouse invasion. I will reorder the mouse Tip-Trap® Live Capture Mousetraps and multiple Pro-Ketch as needed.”

- Ellen Readio

"I caught a giant rat 4 hours after laying the Big Snap-E® Rat Trap. I was wary about another bar trap, but this one delivered.”

- Steve Breland

"This is a seasonal ritual at our house. I hear the mice move in with the cool weather and I get out the mousetraps. A tiny bit of peanut butter in the bait cup and they are caught. If I don't get all of them with the trap the rest seem to move on to safer pastures somewhere else after enough of their buddies have been killed.”

"I would like to thank your company for making the "perfect" mouse trap. I have tried at least 20 other trap brands and they have all had various degrees of success, but none work as well as yours. My daughter bought me six (6) of your mouse traps for my birthday and after setting all of these traps around two of our properties, I was amazed at the response. Best traps I have found on the market.”

- Duane Schenck

"FINALLY something that works! We live in an older house in downtown Denver and had noticed an increasingly bad mouse problem as the winter progressed. I had tried a variety of different types of traps, all of which failed to catch a single mouse. After reading the other reviews here, I decided to give the Snap-E® Mousetrap a try. Within the first HOUR the traps were out, 11 of the 12 were full. A day later, we've caught 21 mice and the traps finally seem to have stopped going (maybe we caught them all?). It's amazing to me that something so simple could benefit from a truly superb design, but the results speak for themselves. A little dab of peanut butter in the cup, and you're good to go. If you're looking for traps that will actually solve the problem, these are what you want.”

- Joshua Buckman

"Within thirty minutes or less of placing the Snap-E® Mousetrap, I had a dead mouse. I used some candy a mouse had eaten into as bait. I am ordering six more. These traps work! I have had about twenty of the old wooden ones sitting out around the house for three weeks and caught NOTHING!”

- Anne Smith

"I'm very impressed by these traps. Traditional snap traps always trigger when I am attempting to set them... they almost need to be primed "in place", as it is difficult to move them after setting them without premature snapulation. Traditional wooden traps require finesse to bait, set, and empty. The Snap-E traps solve all of these problems... The additional arm at a right-angle to the "killing" arm makes them trivial to set and to empty... And when they are set, they stay set. This makes it much easier to bait and set a number of traps at once, and then move them to the desired locations. The bait cup is fixed to the base and is easy to fill - I've had good luck with crunchy peanut butter. They seem to have sufficient power, and I have had only one trap trigger without a kill - I'll chalk that up to a particularly clever mouse. The plastic construction makes the traps easy to clean. I'm sure they won't last forever, but I really wouldn't expect them to. So far they're still going strong after many kills. I have had excellent success controlling a sudden mouse problem with these traps, and recommend them highly. In fact, this is the first product which impressed me enough to review!”

- Ian Cady

"I'm catching mice every night in my greenhouse with these Snap-E® Mousetraps. They are so easy to set that I don't even flinch any more as I reset them - they never snap while they are being set. I've tried lots of different brands of mousetraps and these are far superior to the rest.”

- Mark Parsons

"I love being able to catch multiple mice with one setup. This way I can let it sit for a couple days and catch multiples. The Ketch-All® Multiple Catch Mousetrap is the best mousetrap I've found. I'll be buying several more.”

- David Benn

"The Ketch-All® Multiple Catch Mousetrap is excellent and easy to use. We use it in our chicken coop and we trap mice each night. Usually 3 to 5 a night. Highly recommend of all the traps including the glue and snap type traps. We can't use poison or anything that could capture, hurt or trap our other animals on our farm. So glad this was invented.”

- DeVine Farms

"I decided to update this review since after some practice I got the hang of how these traps can work at a rate of almost 100%. We recently had returned from a week-long vacation, and when we went into the house we noticed mice had been in the laundry room, nothing unusual since we live in the country. Got two of the Tip-Trap® Live Capture Mousetraps and set them with the peanut butter bait as instructed and the following morning I had two closed traps and no mice. I checked the traps once again before setting them last night and realized that I had put too much peanut butter bait in the space provided, so the Trap had too much counterweight which caused them to close too easily. I removed most of the peanut butter bait (my mistake was using Peter Pan crunchy) and added a small amount of the creamy kind in each trap. This time I set five traps all around the house, and this morning I had four traps closed with four mice in them. I released the mice about one mile away from the house, all in the same place in the country. These traps work very well, just do not overload the trap with bait!”

- Ivan Alfredo

"I had been through several live trap mouse gadgets so I was skeptical. I read the reviews for the Tip-Trap® Live Capture Mousetrap and I decided to try....THIS PRODUCT IS UNBELIEVABLE and so easy to use. I bait the trap with a tiny bit of peanut butter and set it down....and voila....they come...LOL. The secret is not putting a lot of peanut better in there because if you do, it will tip closed. I take the mice and let them loose in a field down the street. I have never had anything this easy...and not messy at all. I highly recommend this to anyone. I am very satisfied.”

- Martha in Oklahoma


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