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How to Stay Ahead of Spring's Rodent Problem
As the weather warms up, rodents become more active‐searching for food, nesting spots, and shelter. Learn how early action and smart prevention can stop infestations before they start.
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Integrated Pest Management: A Smarter Way to Keep Pests Out
Pests can cause major problems for businesses. They spread germs, damage property, and create unsafe working conditions. But dealing with infestations after they happen is expensive and disruptive. The smarter approach is stopping pests before they become a problem.
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How Entomologists are Battling Invasive Ants to Protect a Texas Cave Ecosystem
Entomologists are tackling invasive red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) threatening central Texas cave ecosystems. These ants prey on cave crickets, essential for nutrient transport, impacting endangered species like Rhadine exilis, Rhadine infernalis, and Cicurina madla.
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Humane Solutions for Handling Small Animal Intrusions
Small animals like raccoons, squirrels, weasels, and even stray cats can cause significant disruptions when they invade your property. These critters aren't just a nuisance, but they can also damage structures and create health risks.
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How to Stop Winter Pests from Invading Your Storage Spaces
As the temperature drops, pests don't disappear. Instead, they move indoors. Storage spaces packed with cardboard boxes and paper offer pests the perfect place to hide and thrive during the winter months. These intrusions can lead to damage and unwanted messes. Here's how to protect your home or business from these winter pests with some help from Kness.
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How Ketch-All Saves You Time and Money
As a pest management professional, your customers count on you to deliver results that are both reliable and cost-effective. The tools you choose play a big role in how efficiently you can work. That's where the Ketch-All® Multiple Catch Mousetrap comes in.
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