Kage-All® Small Animal Traps are custom-designed to trap live animals such as chipmunks, rats, weasels, squirrels, skunks, muskrats, rabbits, cats, raccoons, opossums, porcupines, armadillos, foxes, and groundhogs

Kage-All® traps are made of galvanized wire, powder-coated, rust-resistant steel and heavy-gauge construction for years of use. The discreet forest green color reduces reflections and light flashes while blending into the environment.

This humane, live animal trap makes it easy to capture and safely transport unwanted critters for release elsewhere.

Kage-All® Traps are made in China

Kage-All® Instructions
Kage-All® Small Animal Traps Product Sheet
Pro Grade Performace
(Click to see larger image and other views)
SKU: 150-0-006
								Rat Trap Product

Simply lift the ring on the bayonet latch to open the door. Move the set rod forward so that it supports the door cross rod member and holds the door open. Test the tripping mechanism by pushing down on the treadle area. This action moves the trip rod and causes the door to shut and automatically lock. Select a spot frequented by pests and place the selected bait at the extreme end of the trap, opposite the entry door. Your live trap is now set!

Choose a spot frequented by pests. Place the selected bait at the extreme end of the trap, opposite the entry door. You’re now ready to trap live animals the safe and humane way with Kage-All® live animal trap.


Snap-E Cover product in brown

Kage-All® traps are made of galvanized wire, powder-coated steel and heavy-gauge construction. The Kage-All® is built to last for years of use. Durable and safe, it’s the humane way to live trap animals. Nothing catches and holds critters better than Kage-All® live animal trap.

Handle With Hand Guard
  • Hand guard provides protection from trapped animal. Safe, simple, and convenient design for transporting trapped animals.
  • Safe, simple and convenient design for transporting trapped animals.
Galvanized Powder Coated Wire
  • Protects finish. Reduces reflections and light flashes.
  • Durable, heavy-duty construction for years of use.
Protected Bait Area
  • Keeps bait secure from outside access by curious animals.
  • Attracts animals to desired location in trap. 
Protected Working Parts
  • Parts located inside trap prevent premature tripping.
  • Eliminates need for resetting trap.
Large Trip Treadle
  • Located in rear of trap to ensure positive catch.
  • Animal cannot back out before door closes.
Ground Guard
  • Protects the door and latch from grass, sticks, rocks and other debris.
  • Trap entry is not obstructed and catch latch is not restricted.
Bayonet Spring-Loaded Door Latch
  • Trap door stays in locked position until released by operator.
  • Escape by animal is nearly impossible.


Stock #

Carton Size



Chipmunk Trap


19” x 6½”x 6”

3 lbs.

Squirrel Trap


25¼” x 9” x 9¼”


6 lbs.

Raccoon Trap


36” x 12” x 12”


14 lbs.

Kage-All® Showcase Contains 1 Each
150-0-006, 151-0-006, 152-0-006


38” x 15” x 15”


22 lbs.

Kage-All® traps are made in China


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